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Updating SpeakOn from a previous version

Latest version 1.0.1 - 20 March 2015

Updating SpeakOn CalcPad from a previous version

The most elegant way to upgrade is within SpeakOn itself. From the Main menu, select
Help > 'Check for update' menu item.

SpeakOn will ask you to wait while checking for an available update. This may take approximately ten seconds.

If your version of SpeakOn is the latest available, you will be notified about this. If your version of SpeakOn needs updating, a 'confirm' task will start by asking you to confirm that you want to update SpeakOn. You can select to cancel this operation by pressing the 'Cancel' [Esc] key or you can confirm for the update process to continue by pressing the 'Select' [Enter] key.

The following procedure will work on most computers but if the update fails for some reason or the update is unsuccessful, please follow the procedure under the heading 'Updating SpeakOn manually from an old version' further down the page.

After you confirm that you want to update to the latest version, depending on the type of update, SpeakOn will either update itself or download the latest SpeakOn Windows Installer.

If SpeakOn updates itself, you will be informed of progress and SpeakOn will shut down; you need to restart to complete the update.

If a new SpeakOn Windows installer is required, a new task called 'Update' will start. You will be placed in the only control in this task - the 'Update and install' Button control.

To start the download, press the 'Select' key. After a few seconds, the download will start and you will be notified at intervals of 5% of the download size about its progress.

When the download is complete, you will be notified. At this stage, your screen reader or magnifier should be running and SpeakOn will be shut down automatically. The SpeakOn installer (which is a Windows program that requires a screen reader or magnifier to operate) will start. Follow the installation instructions; in practice, to update just accept all default settings and SpeakOn will be updated. All your previous SpeakOn settings, if any will be preserved.

Updating SpeakOn manually

You can install the latest SpeakOn version on top of your current installation from:

The above methods work on most computers but not all. If you have upgrade problems for any reason, the following procedure is recommended:

  1. Remove SpeakOn using 'Add and remove programs' or equivalent in the Control Panel.

  2. Delete the folder:

C:\Program Files\SpeakOn-CalcPad
C:\Program Files (x86)\SpeakOn-CalcPad

  1. Download and install the new version of SpeakOn from:

Depending on the version you upgrade from, you may have to specify again any usernames and passwords to services that you may be using as well as settings.

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