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CalcPad settings

The CalcPad settings task enables you to change the calculator mode, angle units and function categories.

The CalcPad settings task can be started from the Manager. Go to the Main menu by pressing the 'Menu' [Alt] key. Select the CalcPad settings menu item and the CalcPad settings task starts.

Calculator modes

The Calculator modes list allows you to set the calculator mode between Standard and Scientific modes. Simply use the Up and Down keys to choose the mode you wish. Note that after confirming your selection from the menu, you will need to shut down and restart SpeakOn for these changes to take effect.

Angle units for scientific trigonometric calculations

The Angle units for the scientific trigonometric calculations list allows you to choose between degrees and radian units. Simply use the Up and Down keys to choose the mode you wish.

Function categories

The Function categories list allows you to select the function categories available in the 'Function selector' task. The number of function categories available depends on the calculator mode, Standard or Scientific. Simply use the Up and Down keys to focus on a category, then press the Select key to enable or disable a function category.

Note that regardless of the functions available in the 'Function selector' task, if you know the function name and arguments you can type them directly into the calculation.

When you have finished, bring up the Main menu by pressing the 'Menu' key and select the 'OK' menu item to confirm your selection or the 'Cancel' menu item to cancel the operation. The CalcPad settings task ends and you are placed back in the Calculator task.

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