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The Commands sub-menu contains various calculator commands as follows:

Clear calculation

Clears the calculation that has the focus in the Pad EditCombo. The result from a previous calculation, if any, is cleared as well. You must issue this command before entering a new calculation.

Alternative shortcuts: [Ctrl + Del] or [Ctrl + d]

Clear all

Clears all calculations, memory variables and history. This commands returns the calculator to its default state when it starts.

Alternative shortcuts: [Ctrl + Shift + Del] or [Ctrl + Shift + d]

Clean pad

Removes duplicate calculations and redundant variable assignments. Sometimes after many calculations, the pad history contains duplicate calculations performed again and again. It might also contain variable assignments which are no longer relevant (only the latest assignment for a particular variable is relevant). This command tidies the history list making it easier to navigate.

Toggle results in engineering notation

This command applies only to the scientific mode. The calculator accepts numbers in scientific notation regardless of whether this command is toggled on. However results are by default in standard decimal notation. Issue this command to turn results in scientific notation On or Off.

Alternative shortcut: [F9]

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