Tutorial > The basics > Operating SpeakOn alongside your screen reader >

Configuring JAWS

To disable and enable JAWS speech and release the numerical keypad automatically when SpeakOn has the focus, do the following:

Start SpeakOn and make sure it has the focus - this is very important as you want to modify the configuration file associated with SpeakOn, not the default configuration file which, if you do by mistake, will cause JAWS speech to switch off permanently.

Press the JAWS key + F2 to bring up the Run JAWS Manager dialog. Scroll down the list and select the configuration manager.

The new configuration opens and a default configuration file name such as SpeakOn.jcf is presented in the Edit box; tab once to the OK button and press Enter to confirm the configuration file name

The configuration manager dialog opens.

Display the Advanced Options form by selecting from the Set Options menu the 'Advanced Options' item.

In the Advanced Options dialog box, check the first item 'Sleep mode enabled'.

Tab once and check the 'Unload Synthesizer' option.

Tab to the 'OK' button and select Enter to confirm.

Save the configuration file from the menu:

File > Save

In the edit box, enter the name for the Settings file. A name will be automatically filled in here derived from the name of the application in focus (in this case, SpeakOn). You can edit this if you wish.

Try out your settings by switching between applications by pressing Alt + Tab. When the focus is on SpeakOn, JAWS is muted. When the focus is on another application, JAWS should speak again. The numerical keypad should be available for SpeakOn use when SpeakOn has the focus. Otherwise, the numerical keypad should respond as usual to JAWS commands.

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