Tutorial > The basics > Operating SpeakOn alongside your screen reader >

Configuring Window-Eyes

Use the following steps to mute Window-Eyes automatically while the focus is on SpeakOn.

  1. Start SpeakOn.

  2. While SpeakOn has the focus, press Control + backslash to bring up the Window-Eyes control panel.

  3. Press Alt + f to open the File menu and arrow to or press o to get to the Open sub-menu.

  4. Press s or arrow to get to the Set file item.

  5. When the Set file list appears, press s or arrow to the item that says, silent.000.

  6. Press Alt + f to bring up the file menu, then press Save as.

  7. Accept the default name which is speakon.000.

  8. After pressing Enter, a dialogue box will pop up asking you to confirm the association.

  9. Say "Yes", and this will associate Window-Eyes with SpeakOn.

Thanks to Mike Reiser for the above information.

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