Tutorial > The basics > Operating SpeakOn alongside your screen reader >

General considerations

There is no problem for SpeakOn and a screen reader or magnifier to reside together on your computer.

SpeakOn is 'self-voicing' and therefore does not depend on a screen reader. Because there is nothing to see on the plain SpeakOn window, there is no need to use a magnifier either. However, when you start to use the system you may want to keep your screen reader or magnifier running so that you can browse this documentation at the same time as you operate SpeakOn. Screen readers (such as JAWS) and magnifiers sometimes use the numerical keypad as part of their own operation and therefore the use of the standard keyboard is recommended in such a situation. You might want to mute your screen reader speech manually when the focus is on SpeakOn with the following options:

These topics together with the configuration of popular screen readers are discussed in the following pages.

[ Next - Starting and stopping your screen reader manually ]

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