Reference - Operating SpeakOn >

Numerical keypad interaction - features and use

Note that for brevity the name NumPad is used instead of 'numerical keypad'

Page index:

1. Introduction and important settings

2. NumPad keys in use

3. Long press actions

4. Keys notations

5. Keys and their actions

6. Comparison of user interaction with the Standard keyboard

1. Introduction and important settings

Using the numerical keypad you can operate SpeakOn with one hand using only 10 keys.
For comparison of user interaction with the Standard keyboard see page index above.

SpeakOn is self-voicing. To prevent SpeakOn and your screen reader from talking at the same time, depending on the screen reader you are using and its settings, you may need to either mute your screen reader when the focus is on SpeakOn or shut down your screen reader altogether. Some screen readers can be configured so that they mute automatically when the focus is on self-voicing applications such as SpeakOn.

There is more information about how to do this with popular screen readers in the Tutorial section of this manual:

2. NumPad keys in use

To use the NumPad with SpeakOn, the NumLock key must be On.

SpeakOn uses only the numerical keys on the NumPad; other keys are ignored. Unlike a telephone keypad, the numerical keys are numbered from bottom left to top right with the (0) key at the bottom left of the first row, the (1) (2) (3) keys on the second row from the bottom, (4) (5) (6) keys on the third row from the bottom and (7) (8) and (9) keys on the fourth row from the bottom.

Each key is given a name which relates to its functionality and the key numbers are enclosed in round brackets ( ).

There are two groups of keys used by SpeakOn: Main and Context keys. Main keys perform the same functions anywhere in SpeakOn and the Context keys are used to navigate and operate individual controls and menus.

The Main keys are: Function (7), Menu (9), Focus (3).

Context keys include the four arrow keys which conveniently form the imaginary sides of a square; the 'Up' (8) key, the 'Down' (2) key, the 'Left' (4) key and the 'Right' (6) key. The 'Select' (5) key is in the centre of this imaginary square. The Home, End and Escape key actions are performed using long press actions - see further below.

The (0) key provides the Cancel action.

The (1) key provides the modifier action.

The modifiers that can be set are None (No modifier), Shift, Ctrl and Shift + Ctrl

One of these modifiers is set first using the Modifier key followed by the key itself.

A function group contains one or more related functions. The function groups that can be set are None (No function group), Info, Clock, Speech, Audio, Find and Custom.

Each of these function groups is set first using the Function key followed by one of the context keys to perform the action required.

The actions of these keys are described further below as part of the Notation and Comparison with the Standard keyboard sections.

3. Long press actions

A long press action is performed by holding a key down for more than one second. Long press actions provide the functionality of missing keys or a way to perform common operations that can usually be done using a sequence of keys.

A long press action is specified by its name followed by the key number followed by the word 'long' enclosed in round brackets as follows:

Escape (0 long) - Aborts or closes tasks, resets the Modifier key to none.

'Function Reset' (7 long) - Resets the Function key to None.

Home (4 long) - Home action for relevant controls.

End (6 long)- End action for relevant controls.

'Where am I?' (3 long) - With each successive long press action, cycles between the announcement of the current item, control and task in focus.

Content (9 long) - Repeat last message content and spell it if no longer than 20 characters. This content usually includes a Control or media information.

Favourites (8 long) - Opens a media task if necessary and moves the focus to the favourites directory in the library.

Help (1 long) - Brings up the Help Context Menu.

4. Keys notations

As mentioned above, a key is specified by its name followed by the key number enclosed in round brackets.

Keys may have additional functionalities which are represented by the symbols '#' and/ or '*' before the key name; these relate to their use in combination with a modifier.

Unlike on the Standard keyboard, a modifier is set first using the Modifier key followed by the key itself.

Referring to the symbols above, three modifiers are supported:
'#' - M: Shift
'*' - M: Ctrl
'#*' - M: Shift + Ctrl

Note that the capital letter 'M' followed by a colon precedes the modifier to indicate the use of the Modifier key.
The character '>' is used to indicate that invoking a key is performed after setting the modifier.

For example the combination of Shift and the Select key is specified as follows:
# Select (M: Shift > Select 5)

4.1 Function keys

A function group contains one or more related functions. The function groups available are Info, Clock, Speech, Audio, Find and Custom.
Unlike on the Standard keyboard, a function group is set first using the Function key followed by one of the context keys to perform the action.

For example, to increase speech speed you need first to select the Speech function group and then press the Up (8) key. This is specified as follows:
'Speech volume up' (F: Speech > Up 8)

5. Keys and their actions

5.1 Main keys 

Cancel (0) - Stops speaking or cancels the internet connection.

Modifier (1) - Cycles between modifiers.

Function (7) - Cycles between function groups.

Menu (9) - Toggles the Main menu.

Focus (3) - Moves the focus to the next available control in the current task.

# Focus (M: Shift > Focus 3) - Moves the focus to the previous available control in the current task.


'Media Format' (F: Info > Down 6) - Media format context information available in the Player.

'Media Info 1' (F: Info > Up 8) - Media context-related information available in the Player.

'Media Timing' (F: Info > Left 4) - Media timing or length context information available in the Player.

'Media Info 2' (F: Info > Right 6) - Media context-related information available in the Player.

Battery (F: Info > Focus 3) - AC Power and battery charge information

Time (F: Clock > Up 8) - Time

Date (F: Clock > Left 4) - Date

Timer (F: Clock > Right 6) - Sleep timer setting and information

'Speech Volume Minus' (F: Speech > Down 2) - Reduces the speech volume.

'Speech Volume Plus' (F: Speech > Up 8) - Increases the speech volume.

'Speech Rate Minus' (F: Speech > Left 4) - Reduces the speech rate.

'Speech Rate Plus' (F: Speech > Right 6) - Increases the speech rate.

'Audio Volume Minus' (F: Audio > Down 2) - Reduces the audio volume.

'Audio volume Plus' (F: Audio > Up 8) - Increases the audio volume.

'Audio Speed Minus' (F: Audio > Left 4) - Reduces the audio speed.

'Audio Speed Plus' (F: Audio > Right 6) - Increases the audio speed.  'Find' (F: Find > Left 4) - search available only in some tasks.

'Find Again' (F: Find > Right 6) - search again available only in some tasks.

'Custom 1' (F: Custom > Up 8) - optional custom operation in a media task

'Custom 2' (F: Custom > Right 6) - optional custom operation in a media task

'Custom 3' (F: Custom > Left 4) - optional custom operation in a media task

'Custom 4' (F: Custom > Down 2) - optional custom operation in a media task

5.2 Context Keys 

Up (8) - For navigation in a control if applicable.

Down (2) - For navigation in a control if applicable.

Right (6) - For navigation in a control if applicable.

* Right (M: Ctrl > Right 6) - For navigation in a control if applicable.

Left (4) - For navigation in a control if applicable.

* Left (M: Ctrl > Left 4) - For navigation in a control if applicable.

Select (5) - For specific operations in a control if applicable.

# Select (M: Shift > Select 5) - For specific operations in a control if applicable.

* Select (M: Ctrl > Select 5) - For specific operations in a control if applicable.

#* Select (M: Shift + Ctrl > Select 5) - For specific operations in a control if applicable.

The (Num lock) key must be continuously on.

The (Enter) key on the numerical keypad has the same function as the Select (5) key.

6. Comparison of user interaction with the Standard keyboard

With the Modifier key set to None (see further below) the following applies:

The actions of the Up (8) , Down (2), Left (4) and Right (6) keys are the same as the arrow keys on the Standard keyboard.

The action of the Select (5) key is the same as the [Enter] key on the Standard keyboard.

The action of the Menu (9) key is the same as the [Alt] key on the Standard keyboard.

The action of the Focus (3) key is the same as the [Tab] key on the Standard keyboard.

On the Standard keyboard the modifiers [Shift] and [Ctrl] are applied when these keys are pressed together with another key.
With the NumPad these modifiers are applied by invoking the Modifier (1) key which cycles between None (no modifier), Shift, Ctrl and Shift + Ctrl. When a Modifier is announced, the Modifier is said to be set. After a modifier has been set using the Modifier key, this modifier is applied to the key that follows. In most cases the modifier is applied once after which the Modifier key is reset automatically to None.

On the Standard keyboard, the Function keys are used; each provides (in combination with a modifier if required) a different action.
With the NumPad, the same features are provided by invoking the Function (7) key which cycles between the function groups: None (no function), Info, Clock, Audio and Speech. When a function group is announced, the Function is said to be set and this determines the action of the context keys Up, Down, Right, Left and select. For example, when a function group is set to Clock, the Up key tells the time and the Left key tells the date. When a function group is set to Audio, the Up key increases the audio volume and the Left key reduces the audio speed.

On the Standard keyboard the cancel action is provided when the user presses the [Ctrl] key on its own.
With the NumPad the same action is provided by the Cancel (0) key.

On the Standard keyboard the 'Where am I?' action for the item, control and task in focus is performed by the Help [Ctrl + Shift + F1], [Ctrl + F1] and [Shift + F1] keys respectively.
With the NumPad, the same action is provided by the 'Where am I?' (3 long) long press action.

On the Standard keyboard the 'Go to Favourites' action is performed by the Nav [F4] key.
With the NumPad this action is performed by the Favourites (8 long) long press action.

On the Standard keyboard the Home action is provided by the [Home] key.
With the NumPad the Home action is provided by the Home (4 long) long press action.

On the Standard keyboard the End action is provided by the [End] key.
With the NumPad the End action is provided by the End (6 long) long press action.

On the Standard keyboard the Escape action is provided by the [Esc] key.
With the NumPad the Escape action is provided by the Escape (0 long) long press action.

On the Standard keyboard the Help action is provided by the Help [F1] key.
With the NumPad the Help action is provided by the Help (1 long) long press action.

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