Reference - SpeakOn media tasks - Additional information > VI services >


The Podcast media directory enables you to find and play podcast audio files either directly from the source on the internet or from a local directory containing podcast audio files downloaded by a third party podcast receiver program such as Juice.

The sub-directories of the Podcast media directory are:

  1. All feeds - Online internet directory which leads to other directories;

  2. Favourites - Your favourite podcasts (actually playlists containing pointers to remote Podcasts files);

  3. Received Files - Contains audio files downloaded by a third party program.

Podcast files supported

Audio file extensions:

RSS files:
'.rss' - RSS file with Podcast enclosures

playlist files:
'.rls' - RSS playlist internal format containing a simple pointer to a podcast RSS feed.


Received Files

The user settings folder is at:
Windows Vista Seven and Eight
Windows XP
C:\Documents and Settings\yourusername\Application Data\SpeakOn\MediaSuite

The Podcast settings file is at:

By default the main directory of your podcast's received files is set to:
Where the ${user.content.dir} is set by default to
Windows Vista Seven and Eight
Windows XP
Do not modify this setting.

You can include your podcast received files folders in the Library by using the procedure described in:
Tutorial > Listening to mainstream media > Podcast > Including podcast files stored on your computer in the Library.

Changing the location of the 'Favourites' directory:

This setting is not required unless you want to use a different folder on your computer.

First navigate to the user settings folder:
Windows Vista Seven and Eight
Windows XP
C:\Documents and Settings\yourusername\Application Data\SpeakOn\MediaSuite

Then using a text editor, open the Podcast settings file:


Change your Favourites directory set by default to:${user.content.dir}/Podcast/Favourites
Where the ${user.content.dir} is set by default to
Windows Vista Seven and Eight
Windows XP
Change the directory path to the required folder on your computer.

Save the file.

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