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Searching for new podcasts and searching for an episode in a podcast feed

This page describes how you can search for new podcast feeds and how you can search for an episode within a feed. The type of search conducted depends on the control in focus.

Searching for new podcast feeds

This search is conducted when the focus is on the Library control and tries to match your search term with a database of thousands of podcasts.

To search for new podcast feeds, bring up the Main menu by selecting:
Edit > Find podcasts
Alternatively press * 'Find' [Ctrl + F3] or [Ctrl + f]

The 'Find podcasts' task starts and you are placed in the 'Search for:' edit control. Type the search term and press 'Select' [Enter]. The search task ends and the focus is back on the Library's Favourites sub-folder.

If your search is successful, the previous content of the Temporary directory is deleted and replaced with the newly found podcast feeds that match the search term.

You can stream these newly found podcast feeds in the usual way and add them to your Favourites if you wish. The content of the Temporary directory stays the same until you either search for podcast feeds again or import another OPML file.

Search term format

Search is always case insensitive and for whole words. Podcast feed parameters such as name, description and metadata, are searched.

Usually a single word is sufficient but it is useful sometimes to specify a couple of words, in which case, both words need to be present in the podcast parameters for it to match.

For example if you type in the 'Search for:' edit box the search term:
science technology
all podcast feeds' parameters which contain these words are found.

Searching for an episode in a feed

This search is conducted when the focus is on the Player control and tries to match your search term with the name of an episode in a podcast feed.

To search a podcast feed for the first time, bring up the Main menu by selecting:
Edit > Find episode in feed
Alternatively press * 'Find' [Ctrl + F3] or [Ctrl + f]

The 'Find episode in feed' task starts and you are placed in the 'Search for:' edit control. Type the search term and press 'Select' [Enter]. The search task ends and the focus is back on the Player.

If the search is successful, the focus is on the episode that matches the search term you specified.

To search a publication again with your previous search terms, bring up the Main menu by selecting:
Edit > Find again episode in feed
Alternatively press # 'Find' [Shift + F3]

You can set search options and type search terms as detailed below.

Search options

The 'Search episode in feed' task contains in addition to the 'Search for' edit control, three controls which allow you to set the search options 'Match case', 'Match whole words' and 'Search forwards'. Move between controls in the usual way by pressing the 'Focus' [Tab] (3) key.

Search term format

While the search term format can be sophisticated, in practice, as the search term is matched against the episode names and descriptions in the podcast feed which are usually brief, a single word or a fraction of a word is sufficient. It is useful sometimes to specify a couple of words, in which case, both words need to be present in the episode name or description for it to match.

For example if you type in the 'Search for:' Edit box the search term:
computer window
and if the 'Match case' and 'Match whole words' check-boxes are unchecked and the 'Search forwards' check-box is checked, the first episode name or description that includes both the words (or word fraction) computer and window will gain the focus.

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