Tutorial > The Manager - operation and settings > Global settings - speech, messages, touch, media order, audio formats and file associations >

Touch Settings

The Touch Settings task enables you to change the settings for touch interaction.

The Touch Settings task can be started from the Manager. Go to the Main menu by pressing the 'Menu' [Alt] (9) key. Select the Global Settings > Touch Settings menu item and the Touch Settings task will start.

The Touch Settings task contains two controls; the 'Touch screen or Touch pad interaction enabled' check box control and the 'Virtual key width and height size in pixels' list control. When you start the Touch Settings task, the focus is placed at the first control.

'Touch screen or Touch pad interaction enabled' check box control

Check this check box to enable both TouchScreen and TouchPad.

A TouchScreen interaction will be enabled if you use a Windows 8 and above computer with a TouchScreen.
A TouchPad will be enabled in all supported Windows OS if a TouchPad is integrated into your laptop or external keyboard.

Consideration should be given to screen readers especially those that support touch and this is explained in the Tutorial section of this manual:

To confirm the new settings, you need to select OK from the Main menu as explained at the bottom of this page.

'Virtual key width and height size in pixels' list control

This list control allows you to choose the width and height of a single virtual key which forms part of the on-screen KeyGrid. This setting can be useful with a TouchScreen and only if you use on-screen KeyGrid interaction which means that you slide your finger to select a key. If you use the Key swipe gestures to invoke the keys, the size of each key is of no importance because you do not locate them with your finger.

The sizes available range between 50 and 150 pixels. The default is set to 100 pixels. The default key size is adequate for most computer and tablet screens.

Using the 'Up' and 'Down' keys, scroll up and down the list to set the size in pixels you want. To confirm the new settings, you need to select 'OK' from the Main menu as explained at the bottom of this page.

You can move the focus between the controls above in the usual way by pressing the 'Focus' [Tab] (3) key.

When you have finished, bring up the Main menu by pressing the Menu key and select the 'OK' menu item to confirm your selection or the 'Cancel' menu item to cancel the operation. SpeakOn shuts down to enable your settings. Restart it again in the usual way.

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