Tutorial > The basics > Operating SpeakOn alongside your screen reader >

Configuring Window-Eyes

This information is specific to the Window-Eyes screen reader. It is impractical to track all versions of the product and if you find that this information is out-of-date please inform SpeakOn's author. Note that there are specific instructions if you use SpeakOn with the TouchScreen further down the page.

Configuration when using SpeakOn with the Standard keyboard, NumPad or TouchPad

Use the following steps to mute Window-Eyes automatically while the focus is on SpeakOn.

  1. Start SpeakOn.

  2. While SpeakOn has the focus, press Control + backslash to bring up the Window-Eyes control panel.

  3. Press Alt + f to open the File menu and arrow to or press o to get to the Open sub-menu.

  4. Press s or arrow to get to the Set file item.

  5. When the Set file list appears, press s or arrow to the item that says, silent.000.

  6. Press Alt + f to bring up the file menu, then press Save as.

  7. Accept the default name which is speakon.000.

  8. After pressing Enter, a dialogue box will pop up asking you to confirm the association.

  9. Say "Yes", and this will associate Window-Eyes with SpeakOn.

Thanks to Mike Reiser for the above information.

Configuration when using SpeakOn with the TouchScreen

SpeakOn handles its own TouchScreen support; it does not rely on TouchScreen support by the screen reader.

At the time of writing this manual, the author understood that Window-Eyes did not offer TouchScreen support. If this is still the case, just follow the above instructions for 'Configuration when using SpeakOn with the Standard keyboard, NumPad or TouchPad'.

When Window-Eyes starts to offer TouchScreen support, you might have no option but to switch off Window-Eyes when SpeakOn is running to enable SpeakOn to work with the TouchScreen.

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