Tutorial > The basics > Operating SpeakOn alongside your screen reader >

Starting and stopping your screen reader manually

In order to start SpeakOn and your screen reader manually you may find it convenient to assign shortcuts keys to both the screen reader you use and SpeakOn. This way they can be started easily using a single keystroke.

How to set a shortcut key to a desktop icon

On the Microsoft Windows desktop, highlight the icon of the program you want to assign a shortcut key to. Press the 'Application' key or press [Shift + F10] or right click the mouse to bring the context menu. Then choose the 'Properties' menu item. In the 'Properties' dialog, tab to the 'Shortcut Edit' box and type the key for your shortcut. For example, for SpeakOn you may like to choose the letter 's'. Tab to the 'OK' button and press [Enter]. To start SpeakOn with the letter 's', type [Ctrl + Alt + s].

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