Reference - SpeakOn media tasks - Additional information > Mainstream media >


The Music media directory enables you to find and open audio files.

The Library's directory structure is entirely up to you; you can either add folders that contain music files to the Library or you can place audio files in the Library's default folder location.

Playlists are also supported; they must point to valid audio files on your computer.

Audio formats supported

The following file extensions are supported:
'.wav', '.mp3', '.ogg', '.wma', '.au', '.aiff', '.spx'

The following playlist file extensions are supported:
'.m3u', '.pls', '.wpl'


First navigate to the user settings folder:
Windows Vista Seven and Eight
Windows XP
C:\Documents and Settings\yourusername\Application Data\SpeakOn\MediaSuite

Then using a text editor, open the music settings file:


By default the main directory of your music files is set to:
Do not modify this setting.

You can include your music folders in the Library by using the procedure described in:
Tutorial > Listening to mainstream media > Music > Including your music in the Library.

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