Tutorial > Common media operations >

Downloading media

You can download audio and text files from the Main menu or by using a single keystroke. SpeakOn has a built-in download manager which automatically manages downloading of files in the background. Usually you don't need to access the Download Manager task but you may access it at in any time for additional operations as explained further below.

Audio files can be downloaded when the focus is on the Player and text files can be downloaded when the focus is on the Library.

In all tasks where media download is supported, you will find an additional sub-menu called "Download" where all relevant download features are located. The procedure to download media is exactly the same for all media types. Either select from the menu:

Download > Download media in focus

or press the
[Ctrl + Shift + Enter] (M: Ctrl + Shift > Select 5) key

Any of the operations above add the media in focus to the downloads queue in the download manager.

Download Manager

The Download Manager manages the downloads so that no more than four downloads are done simultaneously. At any time you can open the Download Manager from the Main menu by selecting:

Download > Download Manager

The Download Manager task starts. There is only one control; the Downloads list. Any downloads which are waiting their turn to be downloaded, are currently downloading or have been completed, are presented with their status.

If all you wanted to do is to monitor the Downloads list, press the
Escape [Esc] (0 long) key
The task closes (downloads still continue in the background).

Additional operations are available in the Main menu:

The Download Manager is the same one in all media tasks so you can, for example, add podcasts to the download queue in the Podcast task and then add RNIB Newsagent publications to the download queue in the RNIB Newsagent eText and Audio tasks.

When all downloads are complete, a confirmation message is announced.

If you shutdown SpeakOn and start it again, all your uncompleted downloads are resumed from where you left off (if the server where you download the media from supports this feature - if it does not, then the downloading starts again from the beginning).

The following types of media can be downloaded:

The destination folder of your downloads depends on the type of media you download and this is explained in the relevant parts of this manual.

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