Tutorial > Listening to mainstream media > Music >

Ripping audio CDs

The process of converting audio CDs to MP3, WMA OGG or other formats is known as 'ripping'.

If you want to convert your music CDs to '.mp3' (or other formats) for SpeakOn to use, the CDex program is highly recommended. You can download it free from:

At the time of writing this page the release version of CDex was 1.51. The use of any beta version is for experienced users and problems might be expected.

This program is very accessible with a screen reader. You can operate it almost entirely from its menu and it also has plenty of shortcuts if you prefer this option.

CDex help is unfortunately tedious to access. The only way the author could use it with JAWS was to reopen it each time, navigate to the topic required and press Enter. One can listen to the entire topic and once speech stops there is no choice but to close Help and start again with a different topic if required.

Fortunately there is an excellent short tutorial from a blind perspective at:

CDex by default places the converted audio files in an Artist > Album > Songs structure which is ideal for use with SpeakOn.

As far as SpeakOn is concerned, you have to make very small configuration changes to CDex. Please note that these changes need to be done only once and the actual conversion of CDs takes only a few minutes at a time once these changes have been made. Follow these steps:

  1. Start the program and using the menu go to:
    Options > Settings (or press F4) to open the CDex configuration dialog box.

  2. Press [Ctrl + Tab] a few times until you are in the 'File Names' page.

  3. Make sure that the files converted are placed at the right location.

  4. Tab twice and you will be in an edit box with a folder. This is the directory where your '.wav' and '.mp3' files will be saved. To change the folder just press [Enter] on the folder name and it will bring up a tree view. Use your up and down arrows to navigate the tree, and the right and left arrows to open folders.
    In the tree, navigate to the folder you want your MP3 files stored (this folder must be included in the SpeakOn's Library to enable you to play these files).

  5. You have now completed the setting up of CDex for use with SpeakOn. Just tab to the OK button and press Enter.

Please note that unless you configure CDex differently, '.wav' files will only be stored temporarily and will be deleted automatically after conversion to your final format (probably '.mp3'). Normally you will not want to convert to '.wav' format as it takes a lot of space.

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