Reference - SpeakOn media tasks - Additional information > Mainstream media >

Text Publications

The Text Publications media directory enables you to listen to plain text and epub format publications stored on your hard drive.

Formats supported

Plain text

epub support - this is not a complete implementation of the epub standard but rather a practical implementation of the epub version 3 format which includes those elements that can be represented by speech. Elements supported are headings, links, unordered and ordered numerical and alphabetical lists. Tables are marked but not shown.

A browser view of a current publication segment is available so that a user can follow any external links, tables and examine text if required using a screen reader or magnifier.

Some epub books are protected by DRM; DRM is not supported by SpeakOn.

The following file extensions are supported:


First navigate to the user settings folder:
Windows Vista Seven and Eight
Windows XP
C:\Documents and Settings\yourusername\Application Data\SpeakOn\MediaSuite

Then using a text editor, open the Text Publications settings file:

By default the main directory of your Text Publications files is set to:
Where the ${user.content.dir} is set by default to
Windows Vista Seven and Eight
Windows XP
Do not modify this setting.

You can include your publications folders in the Library by using the procedure described in:
Tutorial > Listening to mainstream media > Text Publications > Including your publications in the Library

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